Driver's License

You can quickly become a verified user by taking a picture of your license and confirming your address is correct.

Why do I need to verify my address? 

In order to gain access to our location driven features and benefits, we verify your home addresses. This is our preferred verification method to verify, if instant verification was not successful.  

Your home address is never shared with other users

How do I verify with my license?

  1. 🔄 Download the Howl application from the App Store or Google Play Store
  2. 📱Follow the prompts to create a Howl account 
  3. After you enter your 🔢 phone number, accept the 📜 Howl Handbook, and enter your full name and street address you should:
    1. 👁️ Review to see if our instant verification method worked 
    2. 🏠 If yes, continue creating your Howl account
    3. 🚫 If no, the other options to verify your address will display
  4. ☝️ Select the driver's license option
  5. 📸 Enable camera permissions
  6. 💳 Take a photo of your license (we only need the front!) 
  7. ✅ Complete the sign up flow and you will then be redirected into the application as a verified user

Why am I receiving errors?

😕 We apologize for that! Here are a few tips to try again:

  • 👤 We only accept licenses from the United States right now. (if you are outside the U.S,  we would love to hear from you by emailing us
  • 💡 Ensure you are taking the picture in a well lit area. 
  • 🤔 Double check that your license is not expired. 
  • 🖼️ Try taking the picture focusing on your image and address. 

If you are still experiencing errors, the fastest method to resolution is to send us a support email at If you prefer to verify another way, you can request a Home Mailer, but you will be an unverified user until you receive your postcard.