Home Mailer & PIN

You can use a PIN to quickly verify your address without scanning your driver's license. You can also request a PIN to be mailed to your home.


💳 You can always verify with your driver's license to verify faster! 

How do I receive & enter a PIN? 

  1. 🔄 Download the Howl application from the App Store or Google Play Store
  2. 📱Follow the prompts to create a Howl account 
  3. After you enter your 🔢 phone number, accept the 📜 Howl Handbook, and enter your full name and street address you should:
    1. 👁️ Review to see if our instant verification method worked 
    2. 🏠 If yes, continue creating your Howl account
    3. 🚫 If no, the other options to verify your address will display
  4. ☝️ Select one of the below options:
    1. Home Mailer (you did not yet receive a PIN and requesting one)
    2. I have a PIN (you have received a PIN you requested
  5. If you selected the Home Mailer option, enter your home address and you will receive your pin in the mail and will then be redirected into the application as a un-verified user
  6. If you selected the I have a PIN option, enter your home address and PIN you received and you will then be redirected into the application as a verified user

I did not receive my Home Mailer. How can I verify with this method? 

😭 We are sorry to hear that!  This verification method is our ⏳ longest time to verify. Let's go through a few steps to see how we can help: 

  • 📆 Is it over 10 days since you requested the mailer?
    • Not sure? You can quickly check by navigating to the verification screen, by selecting a verification prompt, and selecting the Home Mailer button. If you receive the 10 day prompt, it has not yet been 10 days.
    • If it has been over 10 days, please contact support@howl.com to receive your PIN, or verify another way!
  • 🏡 Did you enter the correct home address in the sign up flow? You can reach out to support@howl.com for help if you are unsure!

Why is my PIN not working? 

🤔 There may be a few reasons why your PIN is not working. 

  1. Double check that you are entered the right PIN into the application. 
  2. You may have reached our PIN use maximum, if you shared the PIN with family members in your household. 
  3. Your PIN may have expired (if you received it in the mail but did not take action in over a months time). 

If this is still your preferred verification method, you can request a new Home Mailer,  or contact support@howl.com

Why did I receive a PIN in the mail? 

🏘️ Our team sends out PINs to neighborhoods that are ready to launch on Howl! (👍Yay!) This means that your neighbors and town members may also receive PINS which allows you to quickly connect and communicate with them on the product. 

If you already have a Howl account, you can 🔢 share the PIN with a few family members that live in your house so that they can quickly verify their home address.