Featured Users

Our Featured User experience is just getting started! Follow along with Howl News, provide us feedback, or request to become one!


Our Featured User experience has limited functionality, with plans in the near future to expand this user type permissions and experiences. We would love to hear from you if your an interested business, outlet, or influencer, as we are accepting Featured Users on a limited basis right now, reach out to support@howl.com.

We would also love feedback on what types of Featured User content you have found valuable in the product thus far and what you would love to see in the future by emailing us at support@howl.com. 

What is a Featured User? 

A Featured User is a Howl user that has been approved by a Howl Administrator to share and post local and relevant content. Featured Users are often news outlets,  businesses, publications, influencers, bloggers, and much more. You can easily recognize Featured User content by viewing a stay symbol next to their posts on the feed. You will recognize our Howl News account as a Featured User! 

How do I become a Featured User?

You can submit a request to support@howl.com to become a Featured User, or reach out to us by answering our questions in the chatbot on www.howl.com! We do not have a request form at this time, or an in-app experience.

What is the difference between a Featured User and a verified Howl user? 

  • The ability to provide extended information on their profile screen which includes a sub-title, links to their social media accounts, and website. 
  • Howl users will immediately recognize the post as "featured" with the star icon. 
  • Howl users can access the extended profile information and have the opportunity to learn more about the content, business or organization.